So lets get to it! Shall we?
We've spent a lot of time meeting members this week! We cover one of the biggest wards in our mission (about 150 active members, and I cannot even begin to count LA members) so that means we have lots to do! We are in the process of getting to know each of the members one by one, going to their houses and teaching lessons, eating with them, and today: having a fun game day with them! Truly, I've seen that the work of the lord goes forward when the members and missionaries understand their roles in missionary work. The weeks seem to go by much too fast for us to get to know all of them, but we are getting there, slowly but surely. For all you members: don't hesitate to invite the missionaries over! 8/10 times their goal is not to eat, its to find out who you are. If they are there to eat, them finding out who you aren't won't make much a difference in the work anyway hehe.
We met some new investigators this week! Our first one is a former investigator who stopped having lessons because the previous missionaries had a hard time answering her questions and communicating fully with her. She got married recently, and really loves her family. The second person is really fun and really awesome! She has had a rough life recently, but she loves God. We've only met her once, but we know and can feel God's love for her, and her love for God. I love meeting new people. I love hearing their stories, and trying to connect the gospel to their needs. Its a grand, exciting work.
We went to a meeting for the little kid's English class yesterday. One of the sisters was sitting on a chair and broke it. It was funny. Nothing else to report. If you did not also find that funny, I'm sorry. Not sorry it wasn't a funny story, just sorry that you could not find the same joy that I vicariously lived for you. Moving on.
It was then that we found the breaker. It had been flipped. As soon as we flipped it back, magic! All the lights came back on! Woo hoo! A miracle!
And I totally took a freezing cold shower in the dark for nothing. Ha. Ha.Ha.
Well, my friends, the answer to all those questions and more is found in a very simple truth.
Jesus Christ, who loves each and every one of us, died and was resurrected with us so that we could live again with our Father in Heaven.
I believe that with all my heart. I am not crazy (he. he.) I'm not wasting my time. I don't regret anything I've given, nor will I regret anything I will give in the future. I am here for a purpose. I have been blessed by the Atonement of our Savior, and I am here to help (in any small way I can) my brothers and sisters receive the same blessings.
I love my Heavenly Father, I love His plan. I love my Savior, and I love His role in that plan. Even though we don't quite fully understand it all now, we will someday. I want to be standing with you all at that day, in the presence of God, white and clean. Cleansed through the Atonement of our Lord, Savior, and brother, Jesus Christ.
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