I took a nap last week on pday, but someone downstairs kept making this loud, irregular tapping noise, so that didn't work out so well haha.
We met with a member who is in the hospital for back problems, we went out and ate with her. It was a buffet, and she wanted us to eat a LOT. She's really adorable, she also took a bunch of selfies with us. I love members haha. After we met with her we went to the church and met with our Recent convert and talked about family history, turns out she already has a lot of interest in Family History! So hopefully we can get going on that and help her get to the temple to do baptisms for the dead soon!
After that we took the subway to go practice the song we were going to sing for mission tour, but we ended up being an hour late because it took longer than expected on the subway, and then when we got out of the subway we took a taxi because we were late, but there was a huge traffic jam, so it took even longer than it would have haha.
We had a missionary sleepover on Tuesday with the sisters that live in a different area because we had to arrive at the building at 8am for mission conference and we are 2 hours from the building. Twas fun.
Mission tour was amazing!!!!! Our area presidency member for the Asia south area, Elder Choi, came and spoke to us! He's really awesome. Among other things, he talked to us about setting a goal to BAPTIZE EVERY WEEK! Whoa yeah. Life. I'm so pumped. I'm all for it. He told us that its nearly impossible, but we are missionaries, doing the nearly impossible is our job! Because that's what God wants us to do! So I hope you can all look forward to good weekly news from us! There were a bunch of really good talks, and all of them very inspired. We were also recommended to sing in the shower. I haven't tried that one yet. XD
So, on Thursday, we were walking to meet a member and saw a lady, so we said hello, and suddenly she gave my companion the bag she had been carrying- it had random stuff in it like a battery charger, a selfie stick, and other random stuff. So yeah, a random lady on the street gave us stuff. That was cool. My companion was like "Hey! I can use all this stuff when I go home this transfer!" Missionary blessings! :)
We went to visit less actives, and we had to chose between two, so we chose one, and went to the house. The only problem was that we only knew the floor she lived on, and not the number, so we were going to try 302, and then we saw a lady going into the room next door, so we asked her and she said she didn't know. But they she was like "Oh you're missionaries? Which church?" And we told her and she said "Oh you have the Book of Mormon! I love the Book of Mormon! I have 4 of them! I read them all the time!" So she invited us into her house to talk. Her life is like some crazy movie. One thing is for sure, she's had it ROUGH. The thing she said that was cool though, was that every time she read the Book of Mormon she feels peace. The Book of Mormon truly has power to help lift and bless us.
On another occasion we were on the subway headed to visit an investigator, and I saw a girl working on her English homework, so I asked if she wanted help, and then helped her with it. She was so happy~
On Sunday Sister Kim was confirmed :) It was great! Though they didn't use a mic, so I didn't get to hear it, but she was so happy :)
I helped translate for a little American girl in class. The teacher speaks good English but she was worried she wouldn't be able to teach her well so she had me come and translate. It was fun :)
We met with an American family after church and ate with them and a few other members from the American branch. One sister brought her non-member friend who speaks Russian, English, Korean, and one other language. :) Super cool.
Yesterday we had Sports conference! The whole stake gathered to play soccer, kickball, dodgeball, and a bunch of other sports! It was a lot of fun. Sister Hwang and I may have overdone ourselves though haha.
After the Sports conference our investigator Sister Baek was baptized! It was her 8th birthday, so after the baptism we had a party. It was really great. We really want to meet with her mom and teach her too!
So all the missionary phones look the same. Yesterday after the baptism Elder Miller saw our phone, thought it was theirs, and then took it. So, yeah. They found out once they had gotten home, so they left it there and told the sisters that we were with that we would have to get it later that night. So after we did some song practice, we went all the way to the Elders house to pick up our phone XD
And that was the week! Its been really great! We anticipate another great week to come! I hope you are all super happy, and living life to the best of your abilities! There's a lot of wonderful things to be grateful for! Especially this beautiful Gospel!
Love you all!
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