Introducing Sister Sierra Brooksby...

Hello my beautiful Brothers and Sisters!
I am Sister Sierra Brooksby! I suppose it's that time... Time to write and introduction and tell you all about myself. To be honest, theres a lot to say about me! I suppose the thing you'd want to know though, is where I am serving and when! I will be reporting to the Provo MTC On December 30th, 2015. I will be serving in the Seoul Korea South mission. It's a very exciting call for me and I'm totally pumped to share the gospel with my Korean friends!
For more information about all my adventures, keep up on my lovely blog which will, with great hope, be weekly maintained by my gorgeous mother. So you all soon! ;) Stay strong!

Here is the address you can write a letter to me:
Sister Sierra Brooksby Mar01-Kor-seos
2005 North 900 East Unit 8 Provo Utah 84602

Mission Address: (After March)
Sister Sierra Brooksby
Korea Seoul South Mission
29 wiryeseong-daero 22-gil songpa-gu Seoul
teukbyeolsi 05655 South Korea

Friday, January 22, 2016

Week 2: I Was Going To...

Haha wednesday night we also had a bit of fun making a "bed chorus" because all of the beds squeak and make different noises. I'm sure our neighbors were not happy. Hahah. And, my companion snores. She sounded like a phone on vibrate that night hahahaha. 

Thursday- we went to get my face checked out. Ha. Funny. So I get there to the office and they put me in the room. Eventually the doc came in and checked it out. Then he told me to sit in the chair and proceeded to (PAINFULLY SLOWLY) remove his gloves, ceremoniously throw them away, delicately wash his hands, and then dry them until you couldn't see a speck of moisture. It probably took the guy like 5 minutes to do that. Then he sits down and says all serious "Now I'm going to be aggressive with this. You need 2 antibiotics, here is where you get them. I will send the prescription. Come again on monday to get checked out." And then I left. That's the jist of it. He didn't even tell me exactly what the problem was! I assume it's just an infection, so whatever! :P It was so funny thought. So then we got the prescription off-MTC-campus (Rebels!)

Also, my comp and I discovered that the little board with "our purpose" on it was magnetic. So I did this whole epic thing where I would say "Our...... PURPOSE!" And throw it on the board all dramatically. For some reason, it was super funny. Ah the dinner line that night was so long. SOOOO LONG. Ahh and that night the sisters were learning how to pray. Our teacher taught us a thing to do to remember how to say "Please bless us" You act like a train and move your arms in a circle and stuff and say "Chook bok hae joo she ops so suh" Like a train. So we had our break, and I decided we would make a sister train and we went around the entire floor saying "Please bless us" in Korean like a train. XD

Friday- So at gym today Sierra Kehrer showed up! She didn't know I was there. I didn't know she was there. Her and her mom just came to check out the gym really quick. Sierra works at the TRC sometimes. It was cool haha, and random. Ah, one of the Elders had a birthday. Happy Bday Yates Changronim. After lunch I was officially in a trio with my awesome two new companions. So my companions are Sister Lee- funny story she lived in New Zeland for 10 years. Her English is better than her Korean :D She's super goofy haha. Not like a typical Korean girl at all. You can tell she's not really from Korea haha but I love her a bunch.

 My other companion's name is Sister Kang, she's more like a typical Korean girl. She likes makeup, she's very caring, she's still working on learning a lot of things, but she knows how to improve so its awesome! Anyway, that day we taught investigators. It went okay, I've learned a lot since then, I'll say that haha.

Saturday- We did some more teaching, learned some more. It was funny, in class Elder Koo was writing our names on the board for prayer and stuff. He had forgotten my name. He thought my name was the name of the other sister. I was like "Elder I'm sad now!" And he was like, "That's why I didn't want you to know!" It was fun. We all laughed about it.

Sunday- I taught the lesson in RS about Enduring to the end. Everyone said it was awesome. I thought I did a pretty good job too. Then in Sacrament me and my old district sang "I am a child of God" The first verse/chorus was in Cebuano and Tagolog. The Second was Korean. The third was english and I did a descant in Korean for the chorus. It went so well :) Lots of people after said to me "I didn't know you could sing!" You know. I'm not sure what that means. Is it like, "Ah, I didn't know your voice was so good! It sounds professional!" Or "Oh, I didn't know that your voice didn't resemble the mating call of a tone-deaf animal!" Oh yeah, after all our classes and stuff we usually go on a temple walk. It was awesome. It's always great to be by the temple. :)

Monday- So we usually get our gym clothes on, get sack breakfast, then eat and study in the room before gym time on monday so we don't have to get dresses. So I was all ready to go and I went to the other room to get the girls but they were dressed in dresses. Apparently we had to eat in the cafeteria so that Sister Lee could give a letter to her sister who worked there.
Dont take this the wrong way guys- if any of you worked at the MTC cafeteria, I'd probably just live off of sack lunches,. 

Anyway, it was Elder Koo's bday, so we went and got him some presents from the store. After lunch everyone gathered in the room while the elders got mail, but they were coming up the stairs while everyone was going into the room so I had to distract them. That's a difficult thing, both the native Korean Elders aren't super chatty, and they walk with purpose. It was a relief to hear the door close as soon as we rounded the corner. We successfully surprised him :) Ah, so later after our study, before dinner, I asked if everyone in our native korean district would share their favorite scripture and testimony of the book of mormon. It was an awesome experience. After though.... Hahahahahahahahaha so I was like "Man I love you all sooooo much!" And I made a big heart over my head and one of the Elders was like (and you have to understand the elders are both explained very simply: Awkwardly adorable.) in English "Oh, you are so cute." The way he said it, we all laughed so hard. It was so awkward and funny haha!

Tuesday we taught and stuff. Neil L anderson came to visit for our devotional! I was singing in the choir! It was awesome! 

That's it for now!

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